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Self-Care Saturday Summary

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For those of you who unfortunately had to miss out on our Self-Care Saturday event this past weekend, I wanted to tell you about what we really did to keep you in the loop!

I mean if you think of “Self-Care Saturday” you can be thinking that we all went to brunch, had mimosas, got a pedicure, and went to a movie. (Not opposed to the mimosa idea… someone tell Jill)

However, you can also be thinking that we maybe did some therapeutic talk, yoga, breathing exercises, and etc.

What did we really do though?

First things first we went through the 10-Tips for Self-care that I recently published on my Self-Care: Not another face mask. blog post.

In case you didn’t read the other blog post, here is a summary of my tips:

  1. Movement
  2. Clean and Organize for the Week
  3. Learning
  4. Quietness
  5. Sleep
  6. Journaling
  7. Menu Planning
  8. Meal Prepping
  9. Go on an Adventure

There are much more details on the original post, but this should work for now. Now these 10-Tips were solely what I have found that work for me as an individual, I realize that these 10-Tips may not be everyone’s cup of tea and that is OK.

During our morning session, after we introduced ourselves, we went really into what self-care meant to each individual. It is so amazing to me how different self-care can be for each individual. For instance, on my list I put getting enough sleep. Someone mentioned that that is important but it is also important to not get too much sleep, and that making herself wake up in the mornings is a form of self-care because she could sleep all day.

I mean… YAS, me too.

I had never thought about it that way, but now when I wake up I think to myself about what she said, and it really changes the outlook I have on my day.

We also talked about how self-care can change through the life-span if you really think about it. I am a single 25 year old, currently not fully adulting and still considered a college student. However, will my self-care strategies change when I am fully employed? When I start a serious relationship? When I have children?

Yes, yes and dare I say it again YAS. It totally will, why?

Because different aspects of my life will be changing, therefore how I take care of my life will change too.

After our self-care conversation, we went into the food demo kitchen and had snack time.

Who doesn’t love a good snack, am I right?

I made M&M energy bites, and we talked about why these would be a good snack option. Then they went into how these would be so fun to make with their children and grandchildren. How exciting, I didn’t even think about that. One of the women that participated actually made the bites this weekend, and said that her kids, husband, and even the neighborhood kids loved them. Crazy huh?

Bringing neighborhood kids together one M&M Energy bite at a time.

We also had apple slices, peanut butter, and graham crackers for another snack option. We talked about how versatile that snack option is and different ways to pair other food items with it, to keep it interesting and balanced of course!

Menu planning and meal prepping.

Oh yes, finally getting to the good stuff. I, as a dietetic intern, made a “Menu Planning Guide” to help everyone with planning out their menus for the week.

It included sections for all meals and snacks, grocery lists, and even a menu planning cheat sheet. The menu planning cheat sheet was made to keep menu planning interesting and different. It provides a lot of different ideas, and everyone really seemed to enjoy it!

After a little snack attack and menu planning.. we got a lovely visit from our personal trainer Erik Anderson.

He went through some at home exercises we could do to get in movement. It was very interesting and even inspired me to buy some at home equipment for when I don’t want to go to the gym.

Lastly, we all went through what we were going to do for ourselves the upcoming week for self-care.

Meeting with these wonder people really was a great start to my Saturday, and I hope that you can join us next time!