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Meet Our Newest Dietitian, Sarah!

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Hello! My name Sarah – thanks for coming to learn more about me!

I am the latest registered dietitian and resident to join Wellness Coaching & Nutrition Therapy, and I am so excited to be here.

My journey to the field of eating disorders is filled with twists and turns and unexpected coincidences, and I would love to share my story with you.

My mom is a nurse, and was always an inspiration for me to work in the health care field. During high school I considered medical school, which translated into majoring in Health from Texas A&M, and minoring in neuroscience simply because it sounded cool. I loved my microbiology and anatomy classes just as equally as I did the Consumer Health and Drugs & Society health courses I took. One common thread that ran between the rigorous biological science courses and my general health classes was how important nutrition was for both physical and mental health.

After college, I worked as a medical assistant for a neurosurgeon’s practice for about three years before deciding I wanted to become a dietitian – and back to school I went! I enrolled in the University of Houston to complete the prerequisite courses for the dietetic internship. To help me financially through school, I put feelers out with my nutrition professors and landed a job at the Medical Center for Eating Disorders (MCED). This is an outpatient practice that specializes in the medical treatment of people with eating disorders. Here was where I had my first taste for eating disorders, and my eyes were opened to how complex, yet rewarding, this field of work can be. And through the nearly two years I worked for MCED I realized that this field is the perfect fusion of nutrition and neuroscience that I had unknowingly paved my own path for!

Needless to say, this field was meant to be for me, and I feel so honored to have the privilege of seeing clients of my own to help them heal their relationship with food and their bodies.

Outside of working for WC&NT, I also spend a great deal of time working for my church as their choir director. Music has always been a huge part of my life and is one of my favorite forms of stress relief! I started singing and playing the piano at a young age, and have always been in a choir from 3rd grade all the way through college, and beyond! In college, the daily rehearsals we had were an escape from all my stressors and anxiety. I love how powerful music can be with that! Do you ever listen to a song that matches your mood to feel better? The effects of music on the brain are incredible, and something I spend a good deal of time reading up on in my free time! If I’ve peaked your interest, a great book on this subject is Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks – I highly recommend!

When I’m not working, I’m likely hanging out with my family and friends, playing with my dog, or running a bubble bath and watching make-up videos on YouTube!

As your dietitian, you can expect me to meet you just where you are as we discover and unravel your relationship with food. I am very clinically-oriented, so we can really dig into the science of nutrition and I’ll teach you everything I know about food and its effect on our brains and bodies!

I am also comfortable incorporating a Christian faith-based approach to our nutrition counseling sessions, upon request. I believe it can be so valuable to put your trust in things above, especially in a world of comparisons and materialistic virtues that can crumple our body image. I love reading Psalm 139:13-14 in times where our self-confidence and self-worth is going through a rough patch. It reads,

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Food Peace is possible, and I can’t wait to help you achieve it!

Go in Grace,

Sarah Roth, RDN, LD